Skill work 10:00 to practice different variations of Pull Ups
Stirct, kippping, butterfly, etc... Conditioning
“Team Barbara"
In Teams of 2AMRAP 20:0020 Pull-ups30 Push-ups40 Sit-ups50 Air Squats
SPRING NUTRITION CHALLENGE! Lets get Sexy for Summer Challenge begins 3/2!! Whats the goal? To teach you how and what to eat according you and your goals What you get? - 2 body scans (one in the beginning & one at the end) - Macros specifically calculated for YOU - Help with meal planning and advice - Education on specific topics - Accountability with your food log Its only $49 for members ($59 for non members in case you have any family & friends who might need a little help) How to get signed up? comment below or send us an email. After you have signed up you can go to Max Muscle ( 7017 NE Hwy 99 Suite 100, Vancouver, WA 98665) between 2/20 & 2/28to get your body scan done. Tell her you are with our gym and doing the challenge, then bring your scan sheet to us (you will get it back) Any questions? Don't hesitate to ask!